Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Peruse (v)

To read or examine, typically with great care.

Perusal - the act of perusing.

Purport (v) 

Intention; purpose

other meanings:
Meaning presented, intended, or implied; import.

              Devout (adj.) 
              Devoted to religion or to the fulfillment of religious obligations.

Slumber (v) 

To sleep.

Ripen (v) 

To make or become ripe or riper; mature.

       Lid (n) 

       A removable or hinged cover for a hollow receptacle or box.

       other meanings:
         1An eyelid.
2. Biology A flaplike covering, such as an operculum.
3. A curb, restraint, or limit: approved a new lid on corporate spending.
4. Informal An act of concealment; a cover: told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.
5. Slang A hat.
6. Slang An ounce of marijuana.

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