Words Definition (needed to read Hop-Frog by Edgar Poe):
- Corpulent (adj.) - physically bulky; fat. ზორბა, მსუქანი
- Oily (adj.) - 1. Of or relating to oil.2. Impregnated, smeared with, or containing oil; greasy.3. Excessively suave in action or behavior; unctuous. See Synonyms at unctuous. ზეთის, ზეთიანი, ქონიანი.
- Inimitable (adj.) - Defying imitation; matchless. შეუდარებელი, უმაგალითო.
- Predispose (v) - To make (someone) inclined to something in advance; To make susceptible or liable. წინასწარ განწყობა; დაყოლიება, დათანხმება.
- Lean (adj.) - Not fleshy or fat; thin. გამხდარი, მჭლე.
- Rara -
- Avis -
- Terris -
- Refinement (n) - Refinement may refer to:
- Equilibrium refinement, the identification of actualized equilibria in game theory
- Refinement (computing), computer science approaches for designing correct computer programs and enabling their formal verification
- Refinement (topology), the refinement of an open cover in mathematical topology
- Selectivity or cultural refinement, the ability to notice/distinguish small differences
- Refining, a process of purification
- Refinement (culture) - a quality of cultural sophistication
- Wit - Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. A wit is a person skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip and repartee.
- Breadth (n) - სიგანე, განი
- Jest (n) - ხუმრობა, ოხუნჯობა; დაცინვა
- Niceties (n) - 1. The quality of showing or requiring careful, precise treatment.
2. Delicacy of character or feeling; fastidiousness; scrupulousness.3. A fine point, small detail, or subtle distinction: the niceties of etiquette.4. An elegant or refined feature; an amenity: the niceties of civilized life. სიზუსტეები.
- Rabelais - French humanist and writer of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism and superstition, most notably Pantagruel (1532) and Gargantua (1534).
- Gargantua (n) - A person of great size or stature and of voracious physical or intellectual appetites.
- Zadig - Zadig ou la Destinée ("Zadig, or The Book of Fate") (1747) is a famous novel and work of philosophical fiction written by enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.
- Jester (n) - ხუმარა, მასხარა, ოხუნჯი, კლოუნი
- Court (n) - სასამართლო
- Motley (n) - Motley refers to the traditional costume of the court jester, or the harlequin character in commedia dell'arte. The latter wears a patchwork of red, green and blue diamonds that is still a fashion motif. მასხარას კოსტუმი
- Crumb (n) - პურის ნამცეცი; პურის გული
- Folly (n) - სისულელე; განუსჯელობა, უგუნურება
- Counterweight (n) - A counterweight is an equivalent counterbalancing weight that balances a load. საპირწონე, გამთანასწორებული მექანიზმი.
- Treble (v) - Treble, to multiply by 3. გასამკეცება.
- Cripple (adj.) - A cripple is a person or animal with a physical disability, particularly one who is unable to walk because of an injury or illness. ინვალიდი
- Unwieldy (adj.) - Clumsy. ძოძროხა, ვეებერთელა.
- Gratulation (n) - Gratulate- To congratulate.
- Triplicate (v) - To make threefold; triple.
- Conferred (v) - Confer- To bestow (an honor, for example) უბოძა.
- Consent (n) - To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree. თანხმობა, ნების დართვა.
- Interjectional (adj.) - Interjection- 1. A sudden, short utterance; an ejaculation. 2. a. The part of speech that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone.b. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as Ugh! or Wow!
- Gait (n) - A particular way or manner of moving on foot. სიარული; სვლა.
- Leap (v) - To spring or bound upward from or as if from the ground; jump. ხტომა.
- Wriggle (v) - 1. To turn or twist the body with sinuous writhing motions; squirm. 2. To proceed with writhing motions. 3. To worm one's way into or out of a situation; insinuate or extricate oneself by sly or subtle means. კლაკნა, ხვევა.
- Amusement (n) - 1. The state of being amused, entertained, or pleased. 2. Something that amuses, entertains, or pleases. გართობა, შექცევა.
- Consolation (n) - 1. The act or an instance of consoling. 2. The state of being consoled. ნუგეში, ნუგეში ცემა.
- Withstand (v) - 1. To oppose with force or resolution. 2. To be successful in resisting. გაძლება, ატანა.
- Protuberance (n) -1. Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes. 2. The condition of being protuberant. ამოზნექილობა; სიმსივნე.
- Constitutional (adj.) - Of or relating to a constitution.
- Swelling (n) - 1. The state of being swollen. 2. Something swollen, especially an abnormally swollen body part or area. სიმსივნე; ამონაზნექი, ამოზნექილობა.
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