Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Here Word Definitions (needed for reading "Hop-Frog" by Edgar Poe) :

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sober (adj.)

Habitually abstemious in the use of alcoholic liquors or drugs; temperate.

other meanings:
1. Not intoxicated or affected by the use of drugs.
2. Plain or subdued: sober attire.
3. Devoid of frivolity, excess, exaggeration, or speculative imagination; straightforward: gave a sober assessment of the situation.
4. Marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or character. See Synonyms at serious.
5. Marked by circumspection and self-restraint.

Ge : ფხიზელი; {გადატ} ჯანსაღი, საღი გონების; ზომიერი; წყნარი, მშვიდი. 

Gaze (v)

To look steadily, intently, and with fixed attention.

Ge : დაჟინებით ცქერა, მზერა. 

Canvas (n) 

A piece of such fabric on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed.

other meanings:
1. A fabric of coarse open weave, used as a foundation for needlework.
2. The background against which events unfold, as in a historical narrative: a grim portrait of despair against the bright canvas of the postwar economy.
3. Nautical A sail or set of sails.
a. A tent or group of tents.
b. A circus tent.
5. Sports The floor of a ring in which boxing or wrestling takes place.
Ge: ტილო, აფრისი; ბრეზენტი; კანვა; სურათი, ტილო; აფრა იალქანი
Subdue (v)

To conquer and subjugate; vanquish. See Synonyms at defeat.

other meanings:
1. To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.
2. To make less intense or prominent; tone down: subdued my excitement about the upcoming holiday.
3. To bring (land) under cultivation

Ge : ჩახშობა, დამორჩილება, დაპყრობა; შემსუბუქება, შერბილება; დაყრუება, დაწევა (ხმისა და მისთანანი); ცუდ გუნებაზე დადგომა.
Deceive (v)

To give a false impression

Ge : მოტყუება (მოატყუებს); მოღორება

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Peruse (v)

To read or examine, typically with great care.

Perusal - the act of perusing.

Purport (v) 

Intention; purpose

other meanings:
Meaning presented, intended, or implied; import.

              Devout (adj.) 
              Devoted to religion or to the fulfillment of religious obligations.

Slumber (v) 

To sleep.

Ripen (v) 

To make or become ripe or riper; mature.

       Lid (n) 

       A removable or hinged cover for a hollow receptacle or box.

       other meanings:
         1An eyelid.
2. Biology A flaplike covering, such as an operculum.
3. A curb, restraint, or limit: approved a new lid on corporate spending.
4. Informal An act of concealment; a cover: told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.
5. Slang A hat.
6. Slang An ounce of marijuana.
Incipient (adj.)

Beginning to exist or appear.

Delirium (n)

A temporary state of mental confusion and fluctuating consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech.

Candelabrum (n)

A large decorative candlestick having several arms or branches.

Fringe (n)

A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.

Resign (v)

To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.

Contemplation (n)

Thoughtful observation or study.

other meanings:
1. The act or state of contemplating.
2. Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.
3. Intention or expectation

Nook (n)

A small corner, alcove, or recess, especially one in a large room.

Bizarre (adj.) 

Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd.

       Render (v) 
       to show obedience

        other meanings:
          1. To submit or present, as for consideration, approval, or payment: render a bill.
2. To give or make available; provide: render assistance.
3. To give what is due or owed: render thanks; rendered homage.
4. To give in return or retribution: He had to render an apology for his rudeness.
5. To surrender or relinquish; yield.
a. To represent in verbal form; depict: "Joyce has attempted . . . to render . . . what our participation in life is like" (Edmund Wilson).
b. To represent in a drawing or painting, especially in perspective.
7. Computer Science To convert (graphics) from a file into visual form, as on a video display.
8. Music
a. To perform an interpretation of (a musical piece, for example).
b. To arrange: rendered the composition for string quartet.
9. To express in another language or form; translate.
10. To deliver or pronounce formally: The jury has rendered its verdict.
11. To cause to become; make: The news rendered her speechless.
12. To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating.
13. To coat (brick, for example) with plaster or cement.
3 words have to know:

Bedecked (adj.)

adorned or ornamented in a showy fashion.

Armorial (adj.) 

Of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms. 

"heraldry" is The profession, study, or art of devising, granting, and blazoning arms, tracing genealogies, and determining and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms.

Arabesque (adj.) 

An intricate or elaborate pattern or design

other meanings:
1. A ballet position in which the dancer bends forward while standing on one straight leg with the arm extended forward and the other arm and leg extended backward.
2. A complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures.
3. Music An ornate, whimsical composition especially for piano.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Take this quiz!!

If you feel like you learned the words below, then Take this quiz!!

Tapestry (n) 

To hang or decorate with tapestry.
Tattered (adj.)

Torn into shreds; ragged.

other meanings:
Having ragged clothes; dressed in tatters
Turret (n)

A small tower or tower-shaped projection on a building.
Remote (adj.)

Located far away; distant in space.

other meanings:
Hidden away; secluded: a remote hamlet.
1. Distant in time: the remote past.
2. Faint; slight: a remote possibility; had not the remotest interest.
3. Far removed in connection or relevance: a cause remote from everyday concerns.
4. Distantly related by blood or marriage: a remote cousin.
5. Distant in manner; aloof.
6. Operating or controlled from a distance: remote sensors.
7. Computer Science Located at a distance from another computer that is accessible by cables or other communications links: a remote terminal.
a. A radio or television broadcast originating from a point outside a studio.
b. A remote control device.
Furnish (v)

To equip with what is needed, especially to provide furniture for.

other meanings:
To supply; give: "The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration" (Thomas Bulfinch).
Sumptuous (adj.)

expensive or extravagant

other meanings:
magnificent; splendid a sumptuous scene
Fancy (n)

An image or a fantastic invention created by the mind

other meanings:
1. The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature. See Synonyms at imagination.
2. A capricious notion; a whim.
3. A capricious liking or inclination.
4. Critical sensibility; taste.
5. Amorous or romantic attachment; love.
Frown (v)

To wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure.

other meanings:
To regard something with disapproval or distaste: frowned on the use of so much salt in the food.

Grandeur (n)

Nobility or greatness of character.

other meanings:
The quality or condition of being grand; magnificence: "The world is charged with the grandeur of God" (Gerard Manley Hopkins).
Gloom (n) 

Partial or total darkness; dimness

other meanings:
A partially or totally dark place, area, or location.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pile (n)

A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap.

other meanings:
1. Informal A large accumulation or quantity: a pile of trouble.
2. Slang A large sum of money
3. A very large building or complex of buildings.
Desperate (n)

Having lost all hope

desperately - in intense despair; "the child clung desperately to her mother"

Venture (v)

To take a risk

other meanings:
To proceed despite possible danger or risk: ventured into the wilderness.
Valet (n)

A man's male servant
(who takes care of his clothes and performs other personal services)

Other meanings:
An employee, as in a hotel or on a ship, who performs personal services for guests or passengers.

Chateau (n)

A French castle.

other meanings:
1. A French manor house.
2. An estate where wine is produced and often bottled, especially in the Bordeaux region of France.
3. A large country house.